Tag Archives: Paris

Art review

Paris Galleries: Rentrée, 2013, Part III

This is my final post about the galleries in Paris, which focuses on abstract paintings and installations, which stood out for diverse and interesting use of materials (particularly Eduardo Terraza’ show at Almine Rech Gallery, Photos 7-8). I am always … Continue reading

Art review

Paris Galleries: Rentrée, 2013, Part II

This is Part II of my Paris gallery report with the focus of installation art. Aside from Lee Bul‘s show at Galerie Thaddeus Ropac and a fun group show of functional art at Galerie Hussenot, most of the installation shows … Continue reading

Art review

Paris Galleries: Rentrée, 2013, Part I

During my stay in Paris in late September, I spent a couple of days walking around the old Jewish neighborhood known as Marais, now home to many pricey boutiques and most of blue chip and emerging contemporary galleries in Paris. … Continue reading

Art review

Masculin / Masculin: The Nude Man in Art from 1800 to the Present Day at Musée D’Orsay, Paris

I went to Paris in late September and had a marvelous time seeing many interesting shows in galleries and museums as well as hanging out with friends and enjoying wonderful food. This is the first of some blog posts dedicated … Continue reading

Art review, French

Paris Gallery Crawl-III

This is going to be my last post about the gallery exhibitions in Paris in September, 2011.  The most exciting show for me was Jim Shaw‘s installation and drawing show at Praz-Delavallade. The exhibition, titled THRILLING STORIES FROM THE BOOK … Continue reading

Art review, French

Paris Gallery Crawl-II

Here is the second part of my Paris gallery round-up for September, 2011. In this entry, I am listing some of the more interesting shows that I have seen in smaller galleries around Marais district in Paris. Most Paris galleries … Continue reading

Art review, French

Paris Gallery Crawl I

I have been neglecting my blog for a while, and there is a good reason for it. I went to France for 3 weeks for a long anticipated vacation. 🙂 I have eaten some amazing food and seen some interesting … Continue reading