Category Archives: Opinion

Event, Opinion

Artist’s Life and Institutional Changes: Open Engagement Conference

I attended Open Engagement Conference, a three day international conference on socially relevant art making on the weekend of May 17 and wrote a little review for Temporary Art Review. Here is a direct link to the article, but I … Continue reading


Weathering the Post-tropical Storm Sandy

This has been an unusual week here in New York City. After much fanfare and warnings of the imminent arrival of Frankenstorm by news media, Hurricane (or post-tropical storm) Sandy arrived on Monday night on schedule as advertised. Jaded by … Continue reading

French, Opinion

Le mythe de la société sans classe (The myth of classless society)

Les Etats-Unis n’ont pas un système de classe.  C’est une chose européenne, non? Mon dernier voyage à Los Angeles m’a fait penser à l’idée (en vogue récemment au sein de la droite et de la gauche) de la guerre des … Continue reading


A Foodie’s Dilemma: To Eat or Not to Eat a Bug

Eating is Political I have been thinking about what I eat in relation to not only pleasure and health but also the health of the planet.  As a self-confessed foodie, restricting what you eat is an absolute anathema (“I can’t be … Continue reading

French, Opinion

Art populism, dirty words?

Recently watching the idiotic debt ceiling debates and the appalling spectacle of the politicians talking over each other, I kept thinking about the culture of language and the idea of populism. How did the idea of Populism, the idea that … Continue reading